The Allure of Fishing in Southern Oregon:
The Rogue is an iconic river rich in fly fishing history. Swinging flies for steelhead is a deep rooted tradition that opens a door of curiosity for the soul. Humble Heron Fly Fishing specializes in swinging flies for steelhead. This sometimes obsessive journey can be accomplished with a single or two handed rod. Hunting for the gift of a tug from these illusive fish is both legendary and hard work.
We are a full service outfitter that handles instruction, transportation, gear, and lunch for a river excursion. No matter your skill level we have an experience for you! The river community is tight nit in Southern Oregon and we show respect to all anglers with all types of fishing practices. The River has a beautiful reality to explore which we help facilitate for you. We do our best to provide an experience that is all about your desires. We find our true happiness on the water and want to share our love for steelhead.
Forget about your work scene, no more lists and thoughts about the responsibilities of the day to day; only the moment on the mind! Through a deep passion for steelhead, we try and imprint our guests with the importance of stewardship for these wild places. We hope our guests walk away from a trip feeling confident to fish by themselves, teach a friend, and start their own conservation efforts and relationships with these unique fish and the river.